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In 1Kings we read the story of Elijah. Elijah is in Cherith, a remote place where God hides him, leads him, and feeds him. There is a brook, and Elijah is able to drink from it. And when he does, he must have said, “Thank you Lord! Every day you provide for me through this brook.”

But look what happens next. The brook dries up! God used the brook to sustain Elijah, and now the means God had used to provide for Elijah dries up. 

When I look at this passage it sometimes reminds me of how we in the church fail to see the God who provides. Let me explain. WE, the church, often like to take a walk down memory lane, to remember about the good old days, the days when the church was over flowing and children’s ministry were flourishing. But the brook has dried up! What was working before isn’t working now. We worry what the future will hold.

Elijah must have expected that. After all he told the king that there would be no rain, and if there is no rain, the brook will eventually dry up.

God has more than one way of supplying what we need. When one means of supply dries up, God will provide another. What we must do is learn to trust the God who supplies, not his means of supply. The brook will dry up. Change will come in your life.

When that happens, God will provide in other ways. It’s important that we don’t get fixated on his means of supply. Trust the Lord who provides because He never changes. If we cling to how God has blessed us in the past, we may never see how God plans to provide for us in the future. 

God said to Elijah, “ The brook that was such a blessing to you in the past is not what I have for you now. I’m drying it up”. But there is a blessing and ministry for you in a place where you’d least expect it – Zarephath! So Elijah goes to Zarephath. And we read that God provided for Elijah, not with an overflowing abundance, but still God provided. When we walk with God with trust and obedience, God will provide.

We are fortunate to have a wonderful Church Family here at Woodmar.  We must maintain that family cohesion during the trying times that are now upon us.  On Thursday, January 18th, the Admin Council  will meet to discuss how we maintain our Church activities during a time when we are struggling financially.  Our Church exists in our people and their service to Christ and our fellow persons. 

Our Church building serves as a hub for not only our activities but activities throughout the Community. During the week we have the Dartball players, the Senior Citizens, and Brianna’s Hope. Every day of the week there is an AA group meeting that takes place in our Church. Our Community Center serves as a gathering place for some activity almost very weekend.

The Merger Committee is working as fast as they can as we explore the possibility of merging the Woodmar United Methodist Church with the First United Methodist Church of Hammond. But let me be very clear. Woodmar United Methodist Church is not saving Hammond First, and Hammond First is not saving Woodmar UMC, but together we are exploring how God will provide for our combined congregations as together we experience once again how God can provide if we are open to the new possibilities.

I am very excited to see what the future holds for both our congregations as we continue to worship our Lord and Savior together.

To God be the Glory,



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