Woodmar United Methodist Church has several ministries active in the community of Hammond. We invite you to join us! If something interests you, and you would like to become involved, please email us!
Zoom Evening Prayer
Zoom Evening Prayers was a tradition that began during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to maintain relationships among members of Woodmar and to remain connected despite quarantine isolation, Pastor Esta started a weekly Zoom meeting that met Monday – Thursday, from 8 PM to about 8:15 PM. Most people log in by 7:45 PM just to chat and catch up before prayer begins. Even though services are back in person, Zoom Evening Prayers continues to thrive, with a regular group of around 10 people faithfully logging in every night. This meeting is open to anyone who wants to join in lifting up the community in prayer.

Bible Study
If you’re looking to take your Bible reading to the next level with a group of like-minded people, sign up for a weekly Bible study where you can dig into the nitty gritty of Scripture. Contact the church office for more information.
How to Read Your Bible
This Bible Class is geared toward kids who are just beginning on their faith journey. They’ll take a deep dive into the Bible and learn the ins and outs of its layout, organization, and purpose. They’ll learn the order of the books, the division between the Old Testament and New Testament, and how to look up specific chapters and verses. Through learning how to navigate this huge book, they’ll develop the skills necessary to independently build their own personal relationship with God.

Vacation Bible School
​Vacation Bible School is a week of music, games, and fun for children ages 2 - 11. Over the course of the week, they’ll learn songs and dances, participate in various fun activities, eat some snacks, and learn lessons from the Bible. The Sunday following VBS week, the children will lead worship with the songs and scripture they learned. And we’re always happy to welcome new volunteers who love Jesus and love children to help throughout the week!
Music Ministry
In Psalm 98:4, the psalmist tells us to “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music.” Here at Woodmar, there is a small but passionate group of people who love to do just that. We have a choir that is directed by our organist, David Bieschke. If you have a heart for music and want to share it with us, we’d love to hear from you!

United Women in Faith
The Woodmar Unit of United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) has 20 members. Mary Circles meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 2PM except during July and August. Yvonne Jackson presides over the whole Unit, and the Circle is Donna Benirschke. All women in the congregation are invited to join this group of strong, godly women who put their faith into action. The United Women in Faith is one of the biggest ministries of the United Methodist Church as a whole. With an estimated 800,000 members, their goal is to put faith into action and support just causes around the world.
Bible Book Club
The Bible Book Club is exactly that – a book club. This club aims to practice the spiritual discipline of being in God’s Word on a regular basis, in addition to learning how to share thoughts in a safe environment. They meet once a month either in-person or through Zoom, during which they share casual, open conversation about the assigned reading for the month. There’s no set curriculum or particular lesson plans to follow, just a reading schedule and a set time for open discussion. This is a place where you can share any questions or “aha!” moments you might have while reading your Bible.