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Giving Thanks

“This is how we know love: Jesus laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 But if someone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but refuses to help—how can the love of God dwell in a person like that?” 1 John 3:16-17 (CEB)

Thanksgiving has passed, and I hope and pray that your celebrations were filled with love, fellowship, and lots of good food. In the midst of all of the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, nation, and church, we affirm that God is good and that we are blessed. At Thanksgiving, we pause to remind ourselves and each other of all that God has given us.

Being thankful is about more than just gratitude; it is also about trust. A thankful heart trusts that God’s blessings are without limit, although we don’t get to decide what those blessings will be. We may not have all that we want, and we know that many do not have all that they need, but that is the result of the inequality and injustice of humanity. We hold onto what is “ours” for fear that we may not have enough tomorrow. While it is prudent to save, a thankful (and wise) heart will also grow in generosity because it trusts in God’s provision. We possess many things, and a thankful and trusting heart protects us from being possessed by our possessions! We are possessed by our desires, our fears, and our doubts. A thankful heart and a trusting spirit enable us to be free to fully enjoy God’s gifts to us.

Our churches have experienced decline in attendance and in stewardship over the years, and the continued viability of our churches is threatened. Understandably, that may make us want to hold on tight and conserve what we still have. We don’t want our cherished churches to close like so many others have. But, often, we don’t want them to change either. Yet, if things don’t change, then we will continue down the road of decline and loss. I suggest that the way forward lies in thankful generosity, trusting that God will not fail to provide if we but trust God.

God has given us two great churches and the opportunity to build on what has come before to create something even better that will endure well into the future. Let us trust God with all that we have, giving to each other generously with thankful, trusting hearts. Do not worry about keeping things fair, but outdo one another in generosity, in grace, in love, and in faith. God is “all in” for us; let us be “all in” for what God is doing for us and with us. I trust that we will be quite grateful for the blessings that we will receive, and even more, I trust that the wider community around us will be grateful for how we will be a blessing to them.

May your Advent season be blessed, may your heart be warmed, and may your joy be made complete.


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